
  • You have 14 days to return an order after receiving it.
  • Contact us via shopify or at contact@wretlund.se and we will give you an electronic return note in your e-mail.
  • Print it and put it on the parcel and return your goods.
  • You can leave it in a postoffice or in a postbox.
  • After we receive the parcel we make a refund direct and you will get a e-mail of the refund.
  • If you wish to place another order/new size please make an order on-line.


Towa Vretlund, founder of Wretlund Studio, is a jewellery designer based in Stockholm, Sweden.
Every piece is handmade in reused sterling silver and solid gold.



Wretlund Studio

c/o Temporärt AB 

Kronobergsgatan 9 

11238 Stockholm


Org nr: 8702036982